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The Wohlsen team includes some of the best construction services people in the nation.

Members have been honored for their craftsmanship; skills in sustainability/LEED/Green building; preservation bc game betting appand leadership; and commitment to safety, quality, and training.

As a leader in green construction, we believe in creating a project that benefits both the environment and the client. bc.game online sports betting

With our commitment to continuous improvement, Wohlsen leverages the latest technology to reduce building time and maximize value. Our use of lean construction solutions unlocks creativity and increases collaboration.

We are up to the task of challenging work environments, whether that’s renovating historic structures or expanding an occupied bc.game lotteryfacility such as senior living, student housing, office space, or a commercial or industrial setting. Wohlsen specialists are accustomed to working with various state and local regulations in sensitive settings to ensure a safe build.